* "I want to Firm, Shape & Lift My Butt, and Get Rid of the Cellulite..."
* "I want to Reduce, Slim & Tone My Butt, and Get Rid of Cellulite..."
* "I want to Build a Bigger, Rounder, Fuller, Perkier Butt..."
* "I want a little bit of everything for my Butt..."
- by Joey Atlas, Womens' Body Enhancement Specialist
Dear Butt & Body Enhancement Seeker...
Whichever Butt Enhancement Recipe you have chosen above - by the end of this article, not only will you have your personal Butt Enhancement Recipe - but you'll be able to put it into use immediately and start getting the exact results you desire...
Click Here To Get The Full Story About Good Butts!
I know how anxious you are - so let's get started...
A Beautiful Body Starts With a Sexy Butt
"I want to stop dressing like a frumpy old lady just to cover up my horrible butt! I want my butt to be perky, firm, tight and sexy - is that too much to ask?"
Those are the exact words of Sandra Corsten (age = 58 y.o.), as written on her 'Primary Goals' form during her initial personal training assessment and start-up interview with me back in January of 2000. Sandra reached her main goal of fixing her flabby, droopy and un-sexy butt by the third week of February of that same year... just 3 and a half weeks later - and most importantly, she successfully maintains it to this day...
Sandra's experience along with that of many other women in the same frustrating situation - are what motivated me to write this article today.
I recently had the privilege of selling my womens' personal training center, in St Johns, Florida, to work full time from the comfort of my own home, as a fitness/fat-loss writer, consultant and consumer advocate for women - a lifelong dream of mine...
While cleaning out all the folders and files of the female clients I've worked with over the past 16 years - I made an amazing discovery that's going help you in ways you could only imagine until now...
I started going through stacks of the initial fitness assessments from female clients I've trained, since 1992 - when I first started my personal training company...
Old Fitness Documents Reveal the Secret to
Womens' Butt and Body Enhancement
While doing this, I uncovered something so insightful - so powerful - that I had to share it with you because it reveals the precise solution for the typical woman who is unhappy and depressed with the condition of her entire butt area.
In the questionnaires I couldn't help but notice how many women were listing some kind of desired improvement with their butt... It was something I never quite picked up during my full-time training days - I guess I was 'too close to see it'...
But even more surprising was this...
These women who listed their butt as the # 1 priority for improvement - had the highest percentage of overall success in regards to achieving their butt and body improvement goals - most of which had to do with getting their bodies into firmly toned and tightly sculpted shape - WITH primary emphasis on the BUTTOCKS region - while still maintaining an attractive, feminine look...
The Undeniable Proof Was On Paper
At first I thought it was just a fluke... But all the questionnaires from my female clients were proving me wrong... This was no coincidence.
Women who placed priority on fixing their butt issues, more than any other region of their body, were the most successful at fixing their dreaded butt problems AND getting the rest of their bodies in fantastic shape as well...
This was definitely not a fluke...
The entire butt area means so much to a woman in terms of her self esteem, the types of clothing she wears, her options when shopping for various articles of clothing, and the attention she gets from her man, or other men in general...
How she feels about herself when she looks in the mirror at her backside, her self confidence when she is around other women in different social situations and her basic joy for life are affected by the condition of her butt... so much so that she is willing to put just enough energy and focus into getting the desired results and changing her butt and body...
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Age, Genetics and "Not Enough Time" Excuses Melted Away
Truth be told - this desire for physical enhancement is so natural and within reach that the possibility of being overwhelmed by the elements that usually distract so many women are a non-factor...
In other words, the common excuses that typically cause a woman to 'fall off her program', don't stand a chance against a woman who knows what body improvements she wants - and has the right guidance to lead her to those physical changes...
This amazing discovery was very energizing to me... because ever since I started helping women via the internet - I've noticed the number one body area that women complain most about - and want real improvements with - is her entire butt area.
And this makes completely perfect sense for several reasons...
Life is Better With A Sexy Butt and Gorgeous Body
1 - The female butt is the 'most checked out' part of a woman's body by men (breasts are second, legs are third). And women know this! Hence the deep desire to get a great butt...
2 - When clothes shopping - the butt (and hips/outsides of the butt) - is the body part that causes the most frustration and anger - because it usually prevents you from fitting into and looking good in those attractive outfits you'd love to be able to wear...
3 - No matter what article of clothing you put on - whether its a pair of jeans, a skirt, a pair of shorts, a bathing suit - or a cute little dress - the main thing you are concerned about is how your butt looks! You know this, too - because when you put on an outfit - you look in the mirror and turn around to see your butt...
4 - And most importantly - when it's time for love making - you want to have that sexy kind of confidence that comes from knowing your butt is looking really good naked, and making your man extremely excited and uncontrollably desirous of you...
Every day, I see an overwhelming number of incoming emails and blog comments from visitors, subscribers and clients who deeply want to enhance their butt, hips (saddle bags) and upper thighs (close to the butt).
So I thought "why not devote myself to satisfying this natural desire of women to be sexy and attractive...and create a specific program like nothing else out there...?"
More about that later...
Don't Hate Your Butt and Body - Improve and Enhance Them
Let's talk about you for a minute... I must assume, since you're reading this article, that you're unhappy with the look and feel of your butt. You may even be disgusted, depressed and hopeless with it - and that's alright because the success you want to experience can only start from a place of uncertainty, frustration and anger...
Now - there are all kinds of problems with the female butt...
* You may have had issues with your butt since childhood - and just never found an effective solution to get it looking the way you want...
* You may have had a great looking butt (maybe 'perfect') in your younger years - but after having children - your butt has been turned into a flabby, droopy, shapeless blob of skin...
* You may have been cursed with an extremely small, flat, un-curvy butt that attracts no attention and looks horrible in any kind of clothing...
* Your butt may be the 'storage house' for all your body fat - and no matter what you do - it just feels like its getting fatter, wider and lumpier with each passing week...
* You may have recently lost a bunch of unhealthy extra fat weight - and now your butt is completely gone and all that's back there is a saggy mess of flab and cellulite...
* Or maybe your weight is fine - but your butt and hips are just mushy, dimpled and totally un-attractive (what women call "skinny fat")...
Click Here To Get The Full Story About Good Butts!
Truth be told - I can list even more variations of the self-esteem killing problems women have with their butts - however - its not what kind of 'butt problem' you have that matters...
What actually matters is how you fix your specific problem....
You Need a Customized, Personal Enhancement 'Recipe'
With your butt being unique to you, and different than most other women - you need a personalized 'Butt Enhancement Recipe' - in other words, you need a 'butt specific' program custom developed for you - which targets your exact butt area problems, including the hips and upper thighs...
A 'cookie-cutter' approach is not going to work for you. You may have already tried a 'one size fits all' type of product or program, only to be greatly disappointed and feeling helpless - as if you're never going to be able to truly get your butt into firm, perky and sexy shape...
Listen, I know how tough these types of personal letdowns can be - I've been there myself a few times for my own issues, but I never totally gave up hope - and through persistence and education, I eventually found what I needed to be successful...
I Used to Hate My Body Too...
Those feelings of low self esteem, embarrassment of being around others around the pool or at the beach (with my shirt off), having to shop in the "husky" section for clothes and constant frustration of not knowing what I should exactly be doing to fix my body - are one of the main reasons I decided to put this together for you...
See, I went into this field not because I was already in shape, like most other fitness professionals, but because I struggled with my own body and self image for most of my life - so I know how deep the pain and anger affects you too. But there's more...
You've been deceived or misled - sometimes innocently by someone who means well - but many times by greedy, uncaring people or companies who just want to make a quick buck off your emotional pain and desperation that comes from your disgust with your butt and body image...
I Also Wasted a Lot of Money on Magic Pills and Powders...
I know this because I've been fooled too. I've fallen for at least a dozen 'magic pills', 'secret formula powders', and 'proprietary vitamin and herb blends' since my late teen years - only to be left with the same disappointment with my body and a few hundred bucks poorer - and a bit angrier...
I didn't realize it at the time - but these frustrating experiences would eventually motivate me to help other people avoid the same pain and failures, by creating realistic and effective ways to achieve body enhancement success.
And this is what I want to give you - The 'Thing' that's finally going to work for you...
You can call it your personal 'Butt Enhancement Recipe'.
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